1. “The poor you will always have with you” (Mk 14:7). Jesus spoke these words at a meal in Bethany, in the home of a certain Simon, known as the leper, a few days before Passover. As the Evangelist recounts, a woman came in with an alabaster flask full of precious ointment and poured it…

Immaculate Heart of Mary
The Memorial of the Immaculate Heart of Mary commemorates the love of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the mother of Jesus. Love is not the same as affection or liking somebody. Love means reaching out for the well-being of another–to do good for another. When we say that Mary loves us we are speaking about her determination to…

Dzisiaj UROCZYSTOŚĆ NAJŚWIĘTSZEGO SERCA PANA JEZUSA. Pan Jezus dał św. Małgorzacie Alacoque dwanaście obietnic, dotyczących czcicieli Jego Serca: 1. Dam im łaski, potrzebne w ich stanie. 2. Ustalę pokój w ich rodzinach. 3. Będę ich pocieszał w utrapieniach. Today, THE MOST SACRED HEART OF THE LORD JESUS. Lord Jesus gave st. Margaret Alacoque twelve promises…