As the Eagles of the Desert prepared for a search this past weekend, a friend sent this beautiful image of Our Lady of Guadalupe to S Maria Louise Edwards. The artist wishes to be known as La Corua. Click below for more information. Justice and Peace News
Siostry Felicjanki – Rome, Italy
Click on the link below to see photos and the rest of the publication. Siostry Felicjanki posługują w dwunastu krajach na czterech kontynentach. Dom generalny zgromadzenia w Rzymie odwiedziła dziś Pierwsza Dama The Felician Sisters minister in twelve countries on four continents. The First Lady visited the generalate of the congregation in Rome today. Od wtorku…
Fratelli Tutti / human fraternity
by Kathleen Hattrup, Reprinted from Aleteia, September 5, 2020 The document will focus on human fraternity Pope Francis will celebrate Mass on October 3 at the tomb of St. Francis in Assisi, for the vigil of the saint’s feast day. After the Mass, the Holy Father is expected to sign a new encyclical, dedicated to the…