Blessed Honoratus Kozminski’s Story Wenceslaus Kozminski was born in Biala Podlaska in 1829. By the age of 11 he had lost his faith. By the age of 16 his father had died. He studied architecture at the School of Fine Arts in Warsaw. Suspected of participating in a rebellious conspiracy against the Czarists in Poland,…
Special Blessings to our Sisters in Brazil
October 12 Feast Day of Our Lady of Aparecida HISTORY OF OUR LADY OF APARECIDA The devotion to Our Lady of the Conception Aparecida, more commonly known as “Our Lady of Aparecida”, has a very special meaning. It came about when a group of fishermen, after several useless attempts, asked the intercession of Our Lady,…

October 12 – Our Lady of Aparecida
Our Felician Sisters in Brazil Special Celebrations for our Felician Sisters in Brazil October 12 – Our Lady of Aparecida Patroness of Brasil Lord, as we honor the glorious memory of the Virgin Mary, we ask that by the help of her prayers we too may come to share the fullness of your grace. Amen….