Felician Sisters and Associates all over the world spend this day in remembering the life and death of St. Francis. It is a day of fast and abstinence as we recall the many ways St. Francis has inspired people of all walks of life, no matter what religious beliefs they follow. Francis was the greatest…

St Francis of Assisi
October 4 – St. Francis of Assisi Father, you helped Francis reflect the image of Christ through a life of poverty and humility. May we follow your Son by walking in the footsteps of Francis of Assisi and by imitation his joyful love. Amen. Pray for all followers of St. Francis in the world today….

125th Anniversary of Death of Blessed Mary Angela
Coraz bliżej październik, a z tym coraz bliżej obchodów 125.rocznicy narodzin dla nieba naszej Założycielki-bł.Marii Angeli Truszkowskiej. Zapraszamy do wspólnego świętowania!!! Getting closer to October, and with that, getting closer to the 125th anniversary of the death of our Founder-bl. Maria Angela Truszkowski. We invite you to celebrate with us!!! Kmhwuz1yBERUn9SNSZT5Uyb8k9BthZJwiodZ2J7iyh5CAukbpPtUKfDl