Felicjanki Młodym W pierwszą niedzielę adwentu s. Ida, s. Eliza i s. Krzysztofa odwiedziły parafię pod wezwaniem św. Ignacego z Loyoly w Niemcach , gdzie na każdej Mszy Świętej dawały świadectwo i modliły się wraz z wiernymi o nowe powołania w Kościele. Choć na zewnątrz sroga zima, atmosfera pełna ciepła, dobroci i życzliwości. Dziękujemy ks….
Greccio and the First Live Nativity: 800 Years of Tradition
Greccio and the First Live Nativity: 800 Years of Tradition By 1223, when the more famous story of Francis at Greccio took place, Francis was experiencing the weight of disappointment and frustration over the developing institutionalization of the brotherhood. Added to his emotional suffering was the significant physical pain caused by his chronic eye condition,…
An Advent Letter from Sr. Judith M. Kubicki, CSSF
An Advent Letter from Sister Judith M. Kubicki, Provincial Minister, Our Lady of Hope Province, North America What is the soundtrack to your Advent? Does it include the ancient chants, “O Come, O Come, “Emmanuel” and “Creator of the Stars of Night”? Or do you find yourself softly humming a livelier tune like “On Jordan’s…
Adwent jest nieustannym wzywaniem do nadziei: przypomina nam, że Bóg jest obecny w historii, aby ją doprowadzić do jej ostatecznego celu oraz doprowadzić do jej pełni, w której Bóg jest Panem, a tą pełnią jest Pan Jezus Chrystus. Bóg jest obecny w historii ludzkości, jest „Bogiem z nami”. Nie jest daleko, pozostaje zawsze z…
HOPE – 1st Week of Advent
Advent Begins! First Sunday of Advent “Therefore, stay awake! For you do not know on which day your Lord will come.” Matthew 24:42 (Year A) “Be watchful! Be alert!” Mark 13:33a (Year B) “Be vigilant at all times and pray.” Luke 21:36a (Year C) Advent begins with a call to vigilance as reflected in the passages above. There are numerous…
Monthly Social Justice Prayer Intentions
Monthly Social Justice Prayer Intentions NOVEMBER To pray for the homeless and those who are deprived of water, food, clothing, housing, access to education and health care. God, have pity on the homeless and those who are deprived of water, food, clothing, housing, access to education and health care. Monthly Social Justice Prayer Intentions –…