Perpetual Profession for three Felician sisters in Kenya We join our sisters in Kenya in celebrating the Perpetual Profession of these three Sisters. May the blessings of St. Francis and Blessed Mary Angela be with them always.
THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK FROM ST. AUGUSTINE SPIRITUALITY CENTER January 9-15, 2022 The Baptism of the Jesus. Isaiah 42:1-4,6-7. Acts of the Apostles 10:34-38. Luke 3:15-16,21-22. The unfolding of the salvation story continues with the Baptism of Jesus and his public life. “He did not start in Jerusalem, the religious, social and political center, but…
Baptism of the Lord – January 9th
In Catholicism, a great deal of emphasis is placed on the rituals surrounding the events of the Lord Jesus’s life from birth to resurrection to death. Every detail is minutely scrutinized and carefully celebrated in its own way. One such celebration is the Baptism of the Lord, which is celebrated in January every year. It…
Holy Name of Jesus January 3rd
1. A Name Reverenced by All St. Paul tells us in his Letter to the Philippians, “at the name of Jesus every knee should bend, / of those in heaven and on earth and under the earth” (2:10). The name of Jesus was first spoken by an angel and is the cause of adoration by…
Epiphany of the Lord – (Feast of 3 Kings)
Blessing the House – A Tradition – almost forgotten It is traditional for parish priests to bless chalk for each family so that they may mark the names of the three Magi over their doors, in the blessing of homes as a witness of their faith and protection against evil. The chalk is a type…