The Feast of the Presentation D.D. EMMONS According to the Church’s liturgical calendar, the feast held on Feb. 2 each year is in honor of the Presentation of the Lord. Some Catholics recall this day as the feast of the Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary because such was the feast day named until the…
Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time.
THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK FROM ST. AUGUSTINE SPIRITUALITY CENTER Laredo, Texas January 28-February 3, 2024 Sister Rosemarie Goins, CSSF Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time. Deuteronomy 18:15-20.Psalm 95. Corinthians 7:32-35. Mark 1:21-28. Today’s readings talk about listening intently, especially to the voice of God. In our busy world God’s voice is often drown out by the…
News from our Sisters in Curitiba
Our students from Colégio Nossa Senhora da Assunção in Curitiba in the state of Paraná performed a Christmas cantata, singing Christmas carols. They sang from the windows of the school building and there was also a nativity scene. The occasion also commemorated the 800th anniversary of the Nativity scene conceived by St. Francis of Assisi….