The Feast of Our Lady of the Angels of the Portiuncula August 2nd, is a special day for all Franciscans, as we celebrate The Feast of Our Lady of the Angels of the Portiuncula. When St. Francis was discerning his vocation, he heard the Lord tell him, “Go and build my church”. Francis taking what…
THE PORTIUNCULA INDULGENCE On the night of July, 1216, the great St. Francis was praying in the little church of the Portiuncula devoured by love for God and a thirst to save souls. He prayed for the forgiveness of sins of mankind. Suddenly a brilliant light shone all around. In great splendor Jesus and Mary…
Felician Sisterss take part in Youth Meeting
Dzisiaj na zakończenie spotkania młodych w Wołczynie, osoby konsekrowane prowadziły rozgrzewkę dla młodzieży, ciągle młodzi duchem Today, at the end of the young people’s meeting in Wołczyn, the concerned persons were warming up for the young people, still young at heart