Felician Center Summer 2023 There are only 18 summers in childhood. How will you make this one count? The school year in South Carolina ended at the end of May and the Felician Center geared up with a few camps for the kids in June. First there was a Reading, Math, Science Camp for the…
Leadership Conference for Young Women
Seeds of Hope Leadership Conference tsSooenpdru1cft7im0479m12g577cih1ma2chuhtm83l1aat60aai1h58u2 · There’s been some great opportunity to be creative this week at Seeds of Hope! Led by some crafty and artistic women including Ryan and Felician postulant, Veronica. “You can’t use upcreativity. The more you use, the more you have.” – Maya Angelou
Siostry Felicjanki Kraków
Prayers for our Sisters in Poland as they begin their Provincial Chapter in Krakow! Niepokalanego Serca Najświętszej Maryi Panny Kraków July 10-15 Siostry Felicjanki Kraków ntooedprsS2hcuh0afh8hmgu2clt69ml9tu711gl1208t7l3670mct8uu5ci · W poniedziałek rozpoczęłyśmy bardzo ważne wydarzenie dla naszej wspólnoty- Kapitułę Prowincjalną. Prosimy Was o modlitewną pamięć w naszej intencji i serdecznie pozdrawiamy On Monday we started a very important…