Águilas Celebrates 500th Person Saved For Águilas del Desierto, the 500th rescue of a living person is a time of celebration but not pause. While joyfully marking this landmark, these brave volunteers just keep on going out into the desert, always hoping to deliver lost people to safety. Since 2012, Águilas del Desierto has been…
w Tobie, Panie, jest życie
w Tobie, Panie, jest życie w Tobie wolność w Tobie moc do dźwigania codziennego krzyża i podania kubka wody każdemu bliźniemu
International Dates for Provincial Chapters
The Congregation of the Sisters of St. Felix (Felician Sisters) Announce the dates for their Provincial Chapters for 2023 . May the Holy Spirit be with our sisters as they convene and prepare for the General Chapter – 2024. Our Lady of Hope North America June 18-24 Niepokalanego Serca Najświętszej Maryi Panny Kraków…