April 30 marks the 60th World Day of Prayer for Vocations. This Sunday is also referred to as “Good Shepherd Sunday.” While it is often linked to praying for those in religious life, the Prefect for the Dicastery for the Clergy explains that the theme Pope Francis has chosen, “Vocation: grace and mission,” applies to…

Divine Mercy Sunday 2nd Sunday of Easter
Second Sunday of Easter. Divine Mercy Sunday. Acts of the Apostles 2: 42-47. Psalm 118. Peter 1: 1: 3-9. John 20: 29. “Although you have not seen him you love him; even though you do not see him now, yet you believe in him; you rejoice with an indescribable and glorious joy, as you attain…

All Saints Day
The Church Triumphant: Those who have gone before us and now share in the glories of Heaven, in the Beatific Vision, are not gone. Sure, we do not see them and we cannot necessarily hear them speak to us in the physical way they did while on Earth. But they are not gone at…