‘We are afraid, but we are also strong’: Stunned sisters worldwide watch as Russia invades Ukraine HAMBURG, GERMANY — Sisters in Ukraine, supported by women religious elsewhere in Europe and in the United States, report anxiety and fear but also resolve as Russian military forces invaded their country on Feb. 24. Sr. Anna Andrusiv of the Sisters of…

Felician commitment to environmental justice.
Okefenokee Swamp “Victory” Felician Sisters are always nurturing caregivers, but sometimes they have to play offense. Their recent strategic move in Georgia demonstrates the Felician commitment to environmental justice. Most of the Okefenokee National Wildlife Refuge in southern Georgia was designated for conservation by President Roosevelt in 1937, and Okefenokee Swamp, formed more than 6,000…

“Fratelli tutti” Fraternity and social friendship are the ways the Pontiff indicates to build a better, more just and peaceful world, with the contribution of all: people and institutions. With an emphatic confirmation of a ‘no’ to war and to globalized indifference. The Church is a family of brothers and sisters with one Father, who…