Praying for Gift of Discernment
Pozdrawiamy serdecznie i dziękujemy za wspólną modlitwę wspólnocie parafii św. Jana Chrzciciela w Baranowie. Wczoraj podczas każdej Mszy Świętej modliliśmy się za ludzi młodych o dar rozeznania powołania. Warm greetings and thank you for praying together with the community of John the Baptist Parish in Baranowo. Yesterday, during every Holy Mass, we prayed for the…

Felician Mission: Haiti
EWTN Spotlights Felician Mission: Haiti Sr. Marilyn Minter spoke to EWTN about the work “Felician Mission: Haiti” is doing in the aftermath of the earthquake by providing supplies and sending buckets and filters to Les Caye. 40% of Haitians did not have access to clean water before the earthquake, today it is their greatest need.