How two 19th-century Blesseds truly read the “signs of the times” Bl. Blessed Marie Rose Durocher and Bl. Angela Truszkowska both tackled the concrete problems of real persons within the realm of the possible in their circumstances, aware that “the poor you will have with you always” (Mt 26:11). Two Blesseds appear on national liturgical…

International World Poverty Day – October 17th
People living in extreme poverty, many of whom work in the informal economy – unregistered, unrecognised and unprotected under labour legislation – face difficult and dangerous conditions. The most excluded have no choice but to accept unacceptable situations and are often seen and treated as ‘disposable’. Despite working long hours, they are unable to…

Thanksgiving Day to our Canadian Friends
Let us join in prayers of Thanksgiving for our sisters and the people of Canada as they celebrate their National Holiday of Thanksgiving. May God continue to bless and protect them. Thanksgiving (French: Action de grâce) or Thanksgiving Day (French: Jour de l’Action de grâce), is an annual Canadian holiday held on the second Monday in…