… perfect love of neighbor, that forbearance and understanding of others, that patience which is needed in every circumstance. On the other hand, you ought to see that God permits these temptations to give you the opportunity to acquire those virtues. (I, 32)
Prayers before the Feast Day of Blessed Angela
Prayers before the Feast Day of Blessed Angela Let us pray: God, our Father, you graced Blessed Mary Angela with a living faith and a boundless love which she manifested in complete surrender to your divine will. By her prayers and witness may we strive to seek, to accept, and to fulfill your will in all…
Mission Matters Reflections for October 6-12 Sister Roberta Moser, CSSF
“ I have a dream.” We know where this sentence comes from. We may have heard it many times. It has so much potential. Where do dreams come from? How do they manifest themselves? I know I’m pushing the seasons a bit, but during Advent we hear the great prophecies of the Hebrew Bible. These…