This Sunday we will celebrate Epiphany, one of the Great Feasts of our liturgical year, which signifies the end of the blessed Christmas season. Epiphany commemorates Christ’s baptism—the revelation of God the Son as a human being in Jesus Christ. The Lord’s physical manifestation, known as his “shining forth”, to the Gentiles is one of…

Holy Name of Jesus
January 3 – Holy Name of Jesus The Holy Name of Jesus was invoked by the faithful from the very beginning of the Church. O God, you appointed your only begotton Son redeemer of the human race and commanded that his name be called Jesus. May we who venerate his name on earth also enjoy…

Epiphany Traditions
Epiphany Traditions Epiphany is a Feast Day within the Church’s liturgical celebration of Christmas. In the current Western tradition, we associate it with the “Visit of the Magi,” or visitors from the East recounted in Matthew’s Gospel. (Mt 2:1-12). Epiphany is traditionally celebrated the 12th day after Christmas, (Twelfth Night), January 6th. In the Catholic…