Felician Volunteers in Mission Returns! https://www.feliciansistersna.org/join-us/volunteers-in-mission/deo-gratias-volunteer.html Do you know a compassionate young adult who believes in the fundamental dignity of each person? We are offering men and women the opportunity to volunteer in direct service with the poor while living a simple lifestyle in community with other volunteers. Volunteers In Mission offers formation in the Felician- Franciscan…

Saint Charles Lwanga
In 1885, the king of Uganda gave his countrymen and women a choice: They could follow him, or they could follow Jesus, but they could not do both. Charles Lwanga and his companions chose Jesus. For their defiance, 22 Ugandan Christians, including Saint Charles Lwanga, were martyred. May we remember their courageous and unshakable faith…

Felician Sisters Take Action to End Gun Violence
Collaborative Statement Calls for End to Gun Violence Felician Sisters Take Action to End Gun Violence The Leadership Team of the Felician Sisters of North America joined congregations representing over 23,000 Catholic women religious, associates, and partners in mission in a collaborative call to end gun violence.The undersigned communities represent over 23,000 Catholic women religious,…