SEPTEMBER To pray for an end to wars and armed conflicts and for political immigrants. God, we call you “Father,” while there is so much rampant prejudice and hatred among people. We pray today for an end to wars and armed conflicts and for political migrants. Open the world and us to refugees persecuted in…

The 7 Sorrows of Mary
The Seven Sorrows of Mary First Sorrow: The Prophecy of Simeon “And you yourself a sword will pierce” (Lk 2:35). Second Sorrow: The Flight into Egypt “The angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream and said, ‘Rise, take the child and his mother, flee to Egypt, and stay there until I tell…

Season of Creation Prayer
That we as individuals, as well as our communities, nation, and Church, might respond to Pope Francis’ call to “transform our hearts, our lifestyles, and public policies to contribute to the mighty river of justice and peace in this Season of Creation,” we pray. Prayer of Commitment to Care for Creation (USCCB) We have come…