JUNE 11 25th General Chapter comes to an end…
Written by Sister Mary Rosita Brennan Translated by Sister Mary Inga Borko
June 11th arrived in Rome as so many of the Chapter days have as a beautiful day with a bright sun, blue skies and white puffy clouds. For the 48 delegates to the 25th General Chapter it was time to conclude business. The first item for the day was a vote on a Congregational Corporate Stance: For Everyone is our Neighbor, standing in solidarity with the millions of people globally who are alarmed and appalled by the escalation of war and violence in our world. The Statement had been inaugurated, initially written and proposed by Sister Maryann Agnes Mueller, a chapter delegate and the Justice and Peace Coordinator for Our Lady of Hope Province, to Sister Danat Marie Brysch. Sister Danat then suggested that Sister Maryann Agnes present the stance to the Chapter body for consideration. On the previous day, after reflection, table discussion and sharing, further considerations were added by the Chapter body to the document. Today with the revisions, the Congregational Stance was passed unanimously. This acceptance of the Congregational Stance completed the Acts of the General Chapter. The Delegates were then invited to come forward, one by one, to sign, in a solemn manner, the Acts.
Following the signing, Francis Heery, Chapter Facilitator, then led the Delegates in a reflective process to consider how we would be returning to Galilee, to our home Provinces/Vice Province and local communities. She presented the metaphors of the falling rain and the blowing leaves as the Holy Spirit gently blowing throughout the chapter process. The delegates were asked to prayerfully consider what message they would like to bring home to their communities; how is the Holy Spirit calling us to be prophetic witnesses to the charism of Blessed Mary Angela personally and Congregationally; to consider concrete actions we would like to take. Following a break, time was then spent in provincial groups thinking about how to share the message with the sisters within our Provinces/Vice Province.