AUGUST INTENTION: Let us pray for the Church, that she may receive from the Holy Spirit the grace and strength to reform herself in the light of the Gospel.
- For children abandoned by parents at birth, that they receive protection and loving care from others.
- For children who live in orphanages or in foster care, that people of good heart would love them and provide them with a loving family atmosphere.
- For children who don’t have an opportunity to learn because of a lack of material means, that they would receive financial help from wealthy people and governments.
- For parents who ignore their children in favor of professional work, career and money, that they realize the treasures they have in their children and dedicate attention, time and care to them to prevent their loneliness and association with bad company.
- For sick and physically challenged children that the protection, care and dedication of relatives and volunteers would relieve their pain and make their lives more cheerful and spiritually richer.