Our Lady of Hope Postulants Connect with Felician Postulants Globally Sister Mary Victoria Richardson, Monica Edaburn and Veronica Kowalski were invited to join the Congregational Postulant Faith Sharing Zoom call on March 30, 2023, at 10:00 a.m. Sister Juscieda Maria Araujo Menezes invited all the Felician postulant directors and postulants to prepare Matthew 4:4 for a faith sharing Zoom meeting. This is part of the Cultural Diversity Task Force. Sister Margaret Marie Padilla and the sisters on the Cultural Diversity Team joined Sister Juscieda and the postulants and their directors for the faith sharing. Sister Mary Victoria Richardson stated, “This gathering for me personally, is historical. I am so glad that we are doing this. The postulants today engage via Zoom meetings with other men and women in early formation globally. This is part of Monica and Veronica’s postulancy. As we connect, we can learn about each other and each other’s cultures. This is important for unity. In the not-too-distant past, I did not even know other Felician Sisters in North America who were in the same group as I was in. We have come a long way. Today, as our global world gets smaller, we need to know our entire Felician family globally. This is a first step I pray opens doors of deeper connection and sharing as they grow in their formation process. I hope this is only the beginning of developing lasting friendships. These postulants are the future of our Congregation. I genuinely enjoyed listening to the responses to the faith sharing from the postulants and their directors. The postulant directors who did not have a postulant but chose to invest their time and support with their faith sharing was inspiring. The commitment to connect is global for our Felician Congregation. I enjoyed the openness in sharing, the translations that happened as we spoke to each other from Italy, Kenya, Poland, Brazil, the United States and Canada, which made this gathering rich in shared diversity. We will be joining the Felician postulants globally for a Rosary April 18th. We will keep you all in prayer.” Monica Edaburn stated, “I loved growing in connection with the other postulants in the congregation! It was inspiring to hear from the other women about their love for Scripture and how they use it to listen to God’s call. It felt empowering that I could also share how Scripture plays an important role in my daily life and vocation and my relationship with God.” Veronica Kowalski stated, “The Congregational Postulancy faith sharing Zoom event was so heartwarming! We all got to share some love and joy with each other. It was so much fun connecting to the other postulants about how the Word of God touches and moves us as unique individuals. You could feel a uniting spirit, we are all daughters of Blessed Mary Angela!” Thank you, Sister Juscieda Maria Araujo Menezes, Sister Margaret Marie Padilla and the Cultural Diversity Committee for taking time to invest in our future!