An enthusiastic group of Felician Sisters participated in the Eucharistic Congress in Indianapolis, Indiana from July 17-21. The events of the Congress took place in Lucas Oil Stadium, Indiana Convention Center, and surrounding buildings. Nearby St. John the Evangelist Church served as the Adoration chapel for the weekend. It was often so packed with adorers that it was standing room only! After the Congress ended, a mural about the Eucharist will be installed there. During the Congress, it was on display in the Exhibit Hall.
It was an experience of the universal Church that was both a conference and a pilgrimage. More than 60,000 Catholics and their friends came from near and far to adore the Eucharistic Lord.
Four groups walked to Indianapolis on pilgrimage from the four corners of the United States. At the beginning of the first night, each group presented a framed picture of the patron saint of the area they came from. Those pictures were placed in the middle of the stadium floor level for the Congress.
There were exhibits to experience, including an Exhibit Hall where the Felician Sisters had a booth. The sisters represented the community and promoted vocations, talking to fellow pilgrims and offering Felician giveaways. The sisters who weren’t working shifts at the booth visited it, stopping by to talk to the other sisters and those who came to the booth.
Most of the sisters who weren’t working at the booth were part of the Baltimore group. They were guests of Bishop Bruce Lewandowski, a bishop of that diocese and brother of Sister Mary Francis Lewandowski. As honorary Baltimorians, the sisters had transportation to and from the convention center each day.
The Eucharistic Congress was a powerful experience for all involved. The gifts and graces received by the participants will be felt for a long time. It was a true revival for the Catholic Church that promises to bear much fruit.