Laudato Si’ Action Platform Commitment Statement
The Felician Sisters of North America, inspired by our Franciscan heritage to be in right relationship with all of creation and impelled by the spirit of our foundress, Blessed Mary Angela, commit to the seven-year journey of the Laudato Si’ Action Platform (LSAP). Mindful of the fragility of Mother Earth and of the suffering of God’s people, especially the poor and marginalized impacted most by the environment, we will:
Identify the critical social and environmental needs of our time and their systemic causes.
Embrace our call to profound interior conversion as we take bold, tangible steps to renew our relationships with God, one another, and the created world.
Educate ourselves about the causes and effects of climate change and do our part to help alleviate these problems.
Address our choices and model behaviors that demonstrate our commitment to decrease our carbon footprint, the destruction of our planet and implement changes to better care for our Sister, Mother Earth.
Support and hold each other accountable for making changes to care for our Earth.
Stand in solidarity with our Felician Associates, employees, and ministries, and assist them in the work of listening to the cry of the poor and the cry of the Earth.
Work in partnership with other groups who have committed to the seven-year journey of the Laudato Si’ Action Platform.