FEBRUARY INTENTION: We pray that the ecclesial community might welcome the desires and doubts of those young people who feel a call to serve Christ’s mission in the priesthood and religious life.
For those who are addicted to substances or behaviors that are harmful and destructive to themselves and to those who are part of their lives.
- For the families of people who are addicted that they may have the strength and faith to intervene and break the cycle of addiction that is destroying their loved ones.
- For support groups, health professionals, caregivers and treatment center staffs who are there to help heal those who are addicted.
- For those working to end the trafficking of illegal substances that destroy individuals, break up families and are the cause of violence and crime.
- For mothers who are addicted to alcohol and drugs and for their infants who are addicted at birth.
- For those in recovery from substance abuse that they have the courage and faith to remain steadfast in their resolve.