Our Catholic leaders are calling us to action on fighting racism. Please see below for action needed to reduce the number of people who are incarcerated and detained and at higher risk of contracting the COVID-19 virus. Recommended resources on racism in America include: RECOMMENDED BOOKS TO READ: America’s Original Sin by Jim Wallis White…
Felician Vocation Q & A
Where Do I Begin When Discerning Religious Life? This video is meant to help those who are just beginning to discern religious life. I am no expert! These are simply some basic ideas about where to start and what may be useful to keep in mind when praying about where God is calling. Sister Desiré…
W mocy Bożego Ducha!
W mocy Bożego Ducha! chwilowki 100 lat posługi Felicjanek w Wiśniewie Zachęcamy do wysłuchania audycji radiowej zrealizowanej przez Radio Dla Ciebie z racji 100-lecia posługi Sióstr Felicjanek w dawnym Wiśniewie, dziś to warszawska Białołęka. https://www.rdc.pl/podcast/losiowisko-felicjanki-na-bialolece/