Christmas Delivery to the Navajo Nation
The beauty of the New Mexico landscape fascinated the sisters and volunteers of St. Felix Pantry on the trip to the Navajo Nation in the Northwest on December 17, 2023. Sister Catherine Marie-Elizabeth Rotterman CSSF drove Sisters Mary Angela Parkins, CSSF and Rosemarie Goins, CSSF plus Peggy Barr, mission coordinator and Helen Homeijer. Mauro Torres and Leo Homeijer drove the truck, full of all the requested items: eggs, milk, turkeys, potatoes and other food products. The Friends of the Felician Sisters, formerly the Ladies Auxiliary, donated the funds to buy coats, hats and scarves. Candy canes were gifts for the children.
Having been invited to participate in a Christmas ceremony and meal, all were disappointed, because sickness had struck the village. However, Damien Augustine unwrapped the surprise gifts for the Navajo – two chain saws and helmets. All present were delighted and thankful, as they have many trees to chop. They have no electricity, so their hogans are heated by logs. In the name of the elders and the people, Damien presented a handmade, woven plate of natural fibers and dye, made by one of the elders, for the Pantry in thanksgiving for the service rendered. It took a year to weave this masterpiece. Sister Angela was given a personal gift of a quilt made by the ladies. |