Let them [the sisters] always radiate joy for the Glory of God, as St. Francis earnestly recommended. Let them imitate St. Felix and be always at peace in their simplicity and modesty. This happiness shall be their particular trait by which they will demonstrate that as Felicians, whose name means happiness, they have found the greatest treasure in complete poverty. In their humility, a source of true joy, they will delight others, showing them the way to true happiness, which depends on knowing and loving God. –Second Edition, revised, p. 83, ¶8 https://feliciansisters.org/spiritual-heritage/ |
May 18 – St. Felix of Cantalice
Patron Saint of the Felician Congregation
Almighty God, you gave Saint Felix to the Franciscan Family and to the Church as an example of evangelical simplicity and innocence of life. Following his example, may we strive to love and joyfully to follow Christ alone. Amen.
18 maja – Uroczystość św. Feliksa z Kantalicjo
Patrona Zgromadzenia Sióstr Felicjanek
Boże, Ty dałeś Rodzinie Serafickiej i Kościołowi św. Feliksa za wzór ewangelicznej prostoty i życia niewinnego, spraw, abyśmy za jego przykładem, radośnie miłowali Chrystusa i wiernie za Nim postępowali.Który z Tobą żyje i króluje w jedności Ducha Świętego, Bóg, przez wszystkie wieki wieków. Amen
dia 18 de maio – São Félix de Cantalice
Padroeiro da Congregação Feliciana
Ó Deus, que destes São Félix à família seráfica e à Igreja, como exemplo de simplicidade evangélica e de inocência de vida, concedei que, seguindo os seus passos cuidemos de
amar somente a Cristo e de segui-lo com alegria. Por Nosso Senhor Jesus Cristo, vosso Filho, na unidade do Espírito Santo. Amém.