Francis of Assisi’s prayer and praise of Mary, the Mother of God speaks of her central role in the church and in our world.
Hail, Lady and Queen, holy Mary, Mother of God, Virgin who became the Church, chosen by the Father in heaven, consecrated by his beloved Son and his Spirit, the Comforter: in you was and remains, the whole fullness of grace and everything that is good. Hail, his palace, hail, his tabernacle, hail, his dwelling, hail, his robe, hail, his handmaid, hail, his mother!
Mary’s constant yes to God moved from the cradle to the cross. While many of Jesus’ followers fearfully went into hiding, Mary remained vigilant. She mourned and witnessed her son’s crucifixion at the foot of the cross.
Let us celebrate Mary, our mother, and her central place as we bring the love and mercy of Christ to birth in and for our world today.