Call to Make October 17 at Day of Fasting and Prayer
The Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem, on behalf of the bishops of the Holy Land has asked that people make Tuesday, October 17 a day of fasting, abstinence, and prayer. Please see the notice from the International Union of Superiors General who have asked religious globally to join this effort. We encourage you to ask your sisters, associates, and partners in mission to consider participating. You may want to organize your sisters for a specific time of prayer together.
Resources for Prayer
We would also like to share with you two resources that might be helpful to you as we pray for all those impacted by the violence in the Middle East.
Prayer from World Relief
Lord, You said “Peace, be still,” and the storm was stilled.
We confess that at times, we feel overwhelmed by the storm. But today, we lift our eyes to you — the Maker of heaven and earth. And we ask for a miracle… let your peace fill Israel and Gaza.
We lift our prayer to you,
Lord, hear us.
God, let violence cease in the region. Let there be no more bloodshed. We know your heart breaks for those killed and those left behind — for the orphaned child, the injured elderly, those abducted and families desperate for safety. Lord, speak into this crisis.
We lift our prayer to you,
Lord, hear us.
We pray for those who have lost loved ones. Let your peace and love wash over them. Please protect and provide for those who have been abducted and bring them home safely. Let them be reunited with their loved ones — let them feel the comfort of their embrace.
We lift our prayer to you,
Lord, hear us.
God, we pray that you open doors that allow food, essentials and medical supplies to reach those in need. May first responders be able to rescue the injured, comfort the grieving and help rebuild many lives.
We lift our prayer to you,
Lord, hear us.
God, we pray for your peace and reconciliation to overcome conflict. We ask that you give wisdom and discernment to our global leaders and those in positions of power who have the ability to impact the course of this war. Help us to be bold advocates and agents of peace in our own communities.
We lift our prayer to you,a
Lord, hear us.
We pray for people scattered around the globe whose friends and family members have been caught in the crisis. We know you are with them. Help us to express your love to those affected in our communities, churches and workplaces.
We lift our prayer to you,
Lord, hear us.
Lord, we raise Israel and Gaza to you, and pray for those suffering. We ask that you provide peace in this crisis, and protection and comfort for all those who have been impacted.
We lift our prayer to you,
Lord, hear us.
Another resource is this video of a virtual choir of 54 young people from 36 countries singing together “Veni Sancte Spiritus” by Taizé from their homes. Although recorded three years ago, the prayer is appropriate as we all seek the presence of the Spirit for our suffering world.