Prayers and Support for Ukraine

As Felicians, we are called by God to cooperate with Christ in the spiritual renewal of the world, serving those in need with compassion and respect. Since the Ukraine Crisis began, our Felician Sisters in eastern Europe have been working tirelessly alongside many others to provide shelter, food, and spiritual encouragement to the millions of Ukrainian people who have been forced to abandon the comfort and safety of their lives to escape the brutal attack on their country.
The work of our sisters very often comes in the form of meeting material needs, however at times such as these, prayer is also what is needed to expel the evil in this world, and sisters throughout the province are raising their hearts in prayer and finding ways to support the Ukrainian people.
Sisters of the Immaculate Conception Convent in Lodi, NJ, led by Sr. Veronica M Lucero and Sr. M Adrian Jumbelic, held a special peace prayer service. Sr. Adrian, who is of Ukrainian descent, introduced the Ukrainian national anthem and a recording was played for the sisters in chapel and those listening on closed circuit TV. The translation of the anthem was on the prayer service card. The congregation read a prayer imploring the help of the Blessed Virgin Mary as found in the Ukrainian Book of Prayers.
In Enfield, CT, sunflowers, the national flower of Ukraine, are blooming on windows of Our Lady of the Angels Convent, St. Francis Residence, and Enfield Montessori School as a reminder of our solidarity with the people of Ukraine. Created by Sr. Francine M Sousa and Sr. Joan M Swierzb, the project enlisted the help of sisters, residents, teachers and students to design and display sunflowers in windows across the entire campus and to offer their own personal prayers for the Ukrainian people.
The St. Anne Home Pastoral Care & Mission Team in Greensburg, PA, joined St. Vincent College’s efforts to collect supplies to help Ukrainian refugees. St. Anne Home employees donated toys, school supplies and blankets while residents packed blessing bags with toiletries. “I was overwhelmed by the response,” said Cheri Hall, Director of Mission Services at St. Anne Home. “This outpouring of compassion reflects our core values, especially solidarity with those in need,” she said.
We are grateful to all who have prayed, displayed their support, collected supplies and have provided financial support to our sisters in Poland and Ukraine who work daily with Ukrainian refugees. We will continue to stand with the people of Ukraine and all those who have come to their aid in their struggle for freedom and independence.
As our Felician community continues to express our support for Ukraine, we invite you to join us in prayer for a just and peaceful resolution of the present conflict. May our prayers storm heaven and our good works promote a world where every person and every nation work together for the common good of all.