Image source: Sr. Narguis Yousaf

Image source: Sr. Narguis Yousaf
Laudato Si’ Movement recently interviewed Sr. Narguis Yousaf, who belongs to the congregation of Sisters of Charity of St. Jeanne Antide Thouret in Pakistan. Sr. Narguis speaks about her ecological conversion and gives us a glimpse of the ample efforts the Sisters of Charity are taking to care for creation.
LSM: Please tell us about your ecological conversion.
I am I am glad to share my experience with integral ecology, which is greatly inspired by Pope Francis’ Laudato Sĺ Encyclical that focuses our intentions on Mother Earth–our Common Home.
Our Mother Earth is currently facing so many crises, and we all need a spiritual conversion to be able to confront them in unity. Conversion makes us renew our relationship with ourselves, with others, with society, with creation and with God.

Image source: Sr. Narguis Yousaf
LSM: What was your motivation for taking a leadership role in your community?
What has led me to take a leadership role in my community and in society to work for ecology is the strong faith of our foundress, St. Jeanne Anitde Thouret, who says, “I am the daughter of the Church.” We are proud to be the daughters of a courageous mother who led us to work for the church and the poor. In the Laudato Si encyclical, Pope Francis calls on each of us to do our part to care for creation, hearing the cry of the earth and the cry of the poor.