The best way to please God is to submit yourself to His Holy Will. (III, 116)
Don’t worry about yourself nor of what will happen to you; submit yourself to God’s will without reservation and you will merit His blessing. (I, 26)
Your interior state, the inner resistance which you experience, not always depends on you. So you should not be anxious unless you react wrongly. (I, 38)
Remember that the epitome of perfection is union with God, and that this union is two-fold; first, the union of our whole being with God; the other, the union of our will with the Will of God. The first union we will attain in heaven, the second union we ought to begin striving for in this life; and it is accomplished then when we desire and seek nothing but God’s Will, and when we cling to it with our whole heart. (I, 26)
Strive only for constant conformity of your will with the Will of God and be satisfied with your portion — a small, but excellent one. Even to the saints the most wonderful transports would have no value were they not in every deed and desire united with God in heart and will. (I, 26)
The fulfillment of God’s Will is worth more than the most exalted states of prayer or the most sublime raptures; it is, in the order of piety, an exercise par excellence. (I, 26)
The most salutary practice for a soul who wants to please God is to obey His Will and accept with a willing heart all adversity, sickness, insults, loss of family and friends. (III 116)
Everything which God wants is good. We should desire that what He wants. (III, 118)
Practice submission to the Will of God, accepting everything that will happen during the day whether it comes directly from God or through persons. (III, 99)
I am happy, my dear Sister, to see your readiness for everything that God will demand of you, because highest perfection depends on perfect conformity to God’s Will. (I, 97)
I recommend as your main practice and as a special intention of your prayers: that you may never desire anything else but that which God wants, that you accept everything from Him with the conviction that what He sends you is the best for your soul, even if it appears difficult and painful or actually harmful. (I, 97-98)
Remember, my dear daughter, that nothing harms our souls more and nothing delays our progress in perfection to a greater degree than the opposition to God’s Will or reluctance in fulfilling it. (I, 98)
If you love the Will of God, if you desire only to fulfill it, the state of your soul cannot be dangerous. It may be troublesome, even painful, however, all that you now experience, both interiorly and exteriorly, will eventually turn out for your good. (I, 100)
Jesus placed a burden on you, it is His hand that bears heavily upon you. Then don’t struggle to throw off the burden, but bear it quietly; indeed, I would say, joyfully, and if you are still too weak for this, then bear it gratefully and thank God that He has deigned to place His hand upon you. (I, 100-101)
Look at everything with the eyes of faith and accept everything as coming from God. (I, 155)
To be a saint should be the aim of every soul dedicating herself to God. (I, 105)
Do not be disturbed with your failures; let them humiliate you, but not discourage you, because discouragement is a manifestation of self-love and not of the love of God. (I, 105)
Remember that for those who love God everything turns out for the good, even failures and imperfections. Do not let temptations frighten you, regardless of how intense or prolonged they may be. Take advantage of them by practicing the opposite virtue. (I, 105)
Protect yourself with prayer and constant ejaculatory petitions; submit to the Will of God and trust that He will not allow you to be tempted beyond your strength. (I, 105)
My wish for you is a continuously increasing life of grace, that is, that all your actions will be for God’s glory, out of love for Him; in other words, that you fulfill His most Holy Will. (I, 154)
I am very happy, dear Sister, that you so fervently desire union with God, but remember that it does not depend on interior emotions, on the tangible presence of God, but on the union of our will with the Will of God, on accepting everything whatsoever befalls us, knowing that all that He sends us is only for the good of our souls and it is our fault if we respond inadequately to His designs. (I, 106)
I sincerely believe that on this earth one should not worry about anything which was not one’s choice but in which one sees that Higher Will, which at every step directs us and dispenses everything in our regard with love and infinite wisdom. (I, 110)
Believe me, I see nothing wrong in you; on the contrary, I see you well disposed for amidst the multiplicity of tasks you always have your spiritual good in mind. (I, 115)
You will benefit more if you depend entirely on God than if you rely on your own means and desires. (I, 116)
Do not fear, my dear, that your position or duties could impede your salvation; for in all your duties, you follow God’s Will, not your own, and you well know that God’s Will is our sanctification that only God knows what is profitable for our souls. (I, 115-116)
Lack of confidence in your own strength is the best means of drawing down God’s help. God will be your strength and support, and you can confidently repeat with Saint Paul: “I can do all things in Him who strengthens me.” (I, 127)
I won’t even try to give you any comfort, for I know how you love God’s Will and the very thought that by fulfilling obedience you do the Will of God is already sufficient comfort for you. (I, 127)
Certainly you ought to believe that the Will of God placed you there where you are at present. Accept that Will then, not because you must, not slavishly, but with a ready heart. (I, 146)
Do not be discouraged, when you do not see the fruit of your labors, do not consider that as a sign that God is not blessing them. You are expected to cultivate and sow and God will give growth and harvest. (I, 146)
We ought to labor and do everything not for our own gratification or that of others but simply to fulfill the Will of God who wants us to do so. (I, 146)
We must pray to see God’s will in this matter. (II, 264)