Practice love of neighbor by being amiable and in general doing good to others. In order to acquire this virtue, make a meditation about the love of neighbor, do a lot of reading on this topic, and make an examination of conscience; do this for a whole month. (III, 108)
I need not encourage you to love your neighbor, because where love of God dwells, there love of neighbor will be found, since one flows from the other. Both are inseparable; both are embraced in one commandment. (I, 76-77)
Our Lord obviously demands of you the virtue of the love of neighbor, since He gives you the opportunity to practice it. Genuine love of neighbor can be attained in a relationship such as yours. (I, 37-38)
Try to treat that sister with love and forbearance, look at her faults through your fingers, because we cannot expect the same degree of perfection from everyone. Commend that soul to God who can affect a change in her and dispose her more favorably. (I, 38)
You love God with an ardent love, which although yet imperfect, abounds in desires, and these will undoubtedly imbue your heart with that fervent love, for when a soul zealously yearns for it, she will without fail possess it. Therefore, do not cease in those desires, let them continue to intensify in your soul. And do you know how you will most quickly obtain that grace from God? By forgetting about yourself and sacrificing self for others, because Our Lord has said: Whatsover you did to the least of these little ones, you did it unto me. (I, 78)
Give aid to all without exception; your vocation obliges you not to exclude anyone, for everybody is our neighbor. (I, 112)
Desire and endeavor to have all peoples know and love our Lord Jesus Christ. (III, 113)
Offer to God all the insults directed towards you; never complain about anything. (III, 115)
Try to be gentle not only in behavior but also in the tone of your voice; do not raise it without cause, neither be so gentle as to overlook misdemeanors. (III, 82)
Try to do good to everyone for the love of Jesus; do a small favor for someone every day and if possible, at least recite seven ejaculations in that intention. (III, 107)
In order to be at peace, one must practice self denial, perform the duties of one’s state of life, be at peace with one’s neighbor even though he/she would be the most eccentric and demanding. Oh! What self-denial and forgetfulness one needs in order to practice this virtue! (III, 108)
Respond gently to those who treat you severely and who aggravate you. (III, 115)
When you feel angry, remain silent until you have composed yourself; otherwise, you may commit many more sins. (III, 115)
Do not omit any good deed out of human respect. (III, 114)
Never do or say anything which will hurt someone, unless it would curtain offending God. (III, 115)
If you do a good deed, do not be proud of it or praise yourself but humble your heart before God so that through vain glory and love of self you will not lose eternal glory and your reward. (III, 127)
Reflect on your words first before you utter them so that you will not say something inappropriate or something which will offend another and perhaps which you will later regret for saying. (III, 126)
Try to please God alone and give your neighbor a good example so that the devil will not accuse you or throw it up to you that you are like a whited sepulcher. (III, 127)
Without love for our neighbor, the greatest deeds, most highly praised by people, do not bring us any merit. (III, 127)
Do not let a moment go by uselessly and if you have permissions to speak, let it not be spent on useless talk. Just as you will give an account to God for every idle word, so you will be responsible to Him for every moment spent badly and uselessly. (III, 126)
Jesus accepted your sacrifice and is now giving you the opportunity to fulfill it. Love prompted you to make this sacrifice, let love then give you the strength to persevere in it. (I, 158)
God usually pours out His blessings upon the weakest and least suitable instruments, but on the contrary, He withholds His blessings from the one who trusts his own talents and strength. (I, 94)
It seems to me that desiring to preserve unity and peace, we ought to recommend rather that each one mind only herself, and even in the case of obvious failure in others, not to perceive the evil but try to justify all, without imitating the wrong done. (II, 234)
If not now, then at some future time your work will bear fruit, and even if you helped to save just one soul, would it not be worth the effort and suffering? (I, 146)
Extend the same love and respect to your Superiors as you would to Jesus Christ. (III, 115)
May [the Lord] give you a humble love which expends itself; a generous love which forgets itself; a strong love which is not afraid of pain; a stable love which does not change; a patient love which can bear everything; a fervent love which never weakens; a constant love which never falters. (III, 134)
Whenever you have to admonish anyone, choose a moment when you yourself and the other are completely calm; admonitions given at an inappropriate time will bring about more harm than help. (III, 115)
Speak well about others. If you cannot justify an action, at least praise the intention. (III, 115)
Possessing the whole world would not be enough for satisfying our desires; only God can satisfy them. (III, 118)
Whether near or far I always have you in my heart. I will always commend you to Jesus and His Most Blessed Mother asking that they keep you in their care, daily increasing their grace and love for you, so that you may become more perfect, more pleasing in their sight. (I, 96)