If Jesus would allow me to carry out that to which He is drawing me, it will make me very happy. I have a special liking for that inconspicuously virtuous life because, after all, that is the imitation of Jesus and Mary in Nazareth. (III, 49)
I trust that with God’s grace I will persevere, even if my whole life should be a constant martyrdom. It is evident that God demands of me that I suffer without any relief or consolation. Let at least, in the absence of joy, this one consolation remain, namely, that I fulfilled my vow of obedience. (II, 137)
God requires something special and unique from every soul. As for me, it seems He asks for blind and perfect obedience because He gave me a special preference for that virtue. (II, 137)
Do all that you can, my daughter, and God will supply what is lacking; serve Him with a willing heart and do not let your spirit lag. (I, 54)
Do not despair because of your faults; do not demand too much of yourself nor too soon, remembering that perfection is not attained in one day, but is the work of a lifetime. Death alone will put an end to the strife. (I, 54)
Your interior state, the inner resistance which you experience, not always depends on you. So you should not be anxious unless you react wrongly. (I, 38)
It is obvious, my dear, that you understood well that if we ask you, for the glory of God and His Will, to work for the sanctification of others, we do not want you to neglect your own spiritual life. (I, 88)
So, you too, my child, do not fear your momentary weakness; I trust that having once made of yourself a willing oblation, you will faithfully fulfill it in whatever manner God will ask of you. (I, 89)
Do not be disquieted over your imperfections. Remember, that of yourself you can do nothing. (I, 90)
My dear Sister, strive for perfection fervently, work, pray for grace, but do not let your inner peace be disturbed. Remember that as long as we are in the flesh we have many faults. We will never attain such perfection that we can say we have reached the zenith. (I, 90)
The more we progress in the spiritual life, the more we will discover frailties in ourselves, because we will have more discernment, and as we come closer in spirit to the Highest Perfection, the more terrible will our misery appear to us, and so much more will it pain us. But let us lament it calmly and humbly, because vehement pain which leads us to despair, is a result of self-love rather than the love of God. Remember, my dear, that these two loves are incompatible. (I, 90)
I realize that for one who loves God there is no greater burden than inner sadness and abandonment, but he who bears this with humility gathers inestimable merit, and gives evidence of the most perfect love of God. (I, 90)
(. . .) because there ought not to be anything in us which we may not yield to God at the first manifestation of His Will not only willingly, but with joy. (I, 96-97)
The greater and more difficult our sacrifice is, the greater the joy we will experience because we can do and suffer something for Him who did and suffered so much for us. (I, 97)
Jesus wants us to serve Him with a joyful heart. (I, 98)
During this time of inner peace gather strength anew and prepare again for temptations and struggles which may await you so that when they do come you would not lose that tranquility which the faithful servants of the Lord enjoy even amidst the greatest oppression both interior and exterior. (I, 98)
Take advantage of the time you are spending in the cloister to work for your sanctification. Be diligent about prayer, strive to cultivate that interior life which so few souls understand and which depends neither on unusual states of prayer nor on visions, but on putting to death the old man within us, on stifling our evil inclinations, on conformity of our will with the Will of God, on being permeated with the spirit of Christ, so that we may say: “I live now not I, but Christ lives within me.” (I, 99)
I know that your soul is exposed to constant struggle and difficulties, but I do not fear because I see that you do not give up but exert continuous effort. I can advise you nothing more than to continue in those efforts, not to fear their immensity, but to trust Him who, exposing you to that struggle, will give you the necessary grace to triumph over it. (I, 105)
So you too, my dear child, humble yourself before God and be glad that your miserableness serves as a throne of His mercy. (I, 143)
Now I truly see and am firmly convinced that God is calling you to perfect union with Him, that He has destined you for a different mode of life, and under His guidance you are making an excellent novitiate for such a life, for which the best preparation is total abnegation and the loving abandonment to His Holy Will. (I, 137-138)
Try to imagine that there is no one else on this earth but you and God. (III, 118)
Empty your heart of all affections which would not be for God. (III, 113)
Before each activity say, “May this be for your glory, O Lord.” (III, 113)
Let this fill you with joy in your present state my dearest child; let it suffice that you do the Will of your Spouse, that for His love you lead others to Him, that in all this you suffer and yearn, because you love or at least with all your heart you desire to love Jesus. (I, 109)
May Jesus bless you and help you at every moment, may He give you strength and perseverance, may He enlighten you so that you will carry on with zeal and prudence. (I, 115)
You can see that Jesus is preparing you to receive His graces as He prepared Saint Francis. Be then as responsive to God’s workings as our Holy Father was. (I, 138)
Forget about yourself and Jesus will think of you. (I, 81)
Do not let your failures frighten you, just humble yourself, cover your failures with love, not emotional, but active and sanctified. (I, 81)
Do not waste time; try to be always occupied. Do not give in to sloth. (III, 81)
Do not worry about your disposition, my dear. You gave yourself to Jesus, He cares for you, then what should you fear? (I, 115)
When fierce storms arise, let us not draw back, but let us fight all the more against the flesh, the world and the devil. The greater the struggle, the more splendid the wreath; the greater the persecution of the temper, the more glorious the virtue of the sufferer. (III, 125)
Rather lose all than lose God. (III, 117)