The Road to Sainthood: Blessed Mary Angela Truszkowska
An Ordinary Beginning – An Extraordinary Journey
Lillian Halasinski (1913) – Wife, Mother
The church certified the healing of Lillian as a miracle which led to the beatification of Blessed Mary Angela onApril 18, 1993 in Rome, Italy.
The Felician Sisters began the process of canonization of the venerable servant of God, Mary Angela Truszkowska, in 1949. The opening of the preliminary process of inquiry into the life and reputed holiness of Mary Angela began on October 29, 1949. The different stages of investigation occurred between 1949 and 1982. One of the stages of the investigation is the Process of Inquiry into alleged miracles
The Diocese of Buffalo had the privilege and responsibility of participating in an investigative process when it became apparent that a miraculous healing may have occurred to one of its faithful. The Process of Inquiry into the alleged instantaneous cure of Lillian Halasinski in January 1984 through the intercession of Venerable Servant of God, Mother Mary Angela, took place from February 10 to August 15, 1986 in Buffalo, New York.
Lillian Halasinski, a life long resident of Dunkirk, New York, was introduced to Mary Angela Truszkowska by Sister Mary Leocretia Laskowski. Sister Leocretia regularly visited Mrs. Halasinski in Brooks Memorial Hospital and brought her communion. During one of her visits, she told Lillian about Mary Angela, gave her a picture and encouraged her to pray to Mary Angela. According to Lillian, she prayed to Mary Angela every day from that time on. On January 4, 1984, Lillian sat in the living room of her home in Dunkirk crying from the extreme pain and praying for relief. It was at that time that Lillian felt the presence of Mary Angela, experienced a beautiful sense of quiet and peace, and suddenly was well.
The inquiry was conducted under the jurisdiction of Bishop Edward D. Head, Ordinary of the Diocese of Buffalo. Bernardino da Siena, Postulator of Mother Mary Angela’s cause, came from Rome, Italy to participate in the proceedings. Sister Mary Antonelle Dziechciarz, Vice-Postulator in America, was also present , along with other witnesses as required by the norms. Sister Antonelle conducted the preliminary investigation into the claimed miracle and gathered the materials and reports on the case initially submitted to Rome.
Lillian suffered from diabetic neuropathy, a condition that was medically incurable. It is not easy to become a saint; neither is it easy to be declared one by the Church. The Church’s procedure for declaring a saint consists of two processes, beatification and canonization.
His Holiness John Paul II officially recognized Mother Angela for her outstanding virtues and life of holiness by elevating her to the elite corps of the Blessed on April 18, 1993 Following this official public act of the Church, the number of persons seeking her assistance in prayer has continued to grow.
While there is no doubt that God works miracles through the intercession of a Blessed or a Saint that can be explained by science, Church authority, however, will approve a cure as miraculous only if the science of medicine can find no explanation for it. Many people are involved in the beatification and canonization processes including witnesses, church authorities, the Postulator and other individuals. A major responsibility of the Postulator is to prove the existence of the holiness of the person who is being considered for sainthood. The Postulator fills a role like that of an attorney representing his or her client in court. Many issues and concerns are investigated and the paper work is extensive, but the Postulator must always be faithful to the truth and be at the service of the whole Church and Community.
The Felician Sisters are actively promoting the Cause for the Canonization of Blessed Mary Angela:
- by making her better known around the world through the distribution of publications and newsletters;
- medals and holy cards;
- by spreading devotion to her during prayer gatherings and group meetings;
- through the writing of spiritual documents, prayers and other publications;
- by seeking out and investigating alleged miraculous cures that may further Blessed Angela’s cause for canonization.