Maryville Retreat Center
Holly, MI
Infused with Franciscan spirituality, Maryville Retreat Center offers a peaceful, comfortable, pastoral setting, with a variety of programming to enrich and inspire. Overlooking beautiful Lake Elliott, Maryville’s 240-acre campus has space for conferences, company workshops and private retreats.
The retreat center has a variety of large and small meeting rooms, a dining space with an expansive lake view, and a spacious chapel framed by towering oak and pine trees. Accommodations feature both single and double rooms — all with private bathrooms. Cottages and conference areas provide additional space ideal for youth retreats and gatherings.

Choose from Taizé prayer, lectures, silent retreats and spiritual direction. Programs for reflection and spiritual guidance are also available. The Felician Sisters welcome you to attend seasonal programs created to inspire women and men of faith to step away from their busy lives and find peace.
For information about spiritual direction, programming or group retreats at Maryville Retreat Center, contact:
Anna Mansfield, Maryville Retreat Center Manager
248-835-3816 /