Kenyan Sisters Celebrate Golden Jubilee of Sister Danat Marie Brysch
![]() Noting that this was her ninth celebration, Sister Danat remarked that the occasion was the crowning of a jubilee novena.
The Kenyan sisters from Embu and other local communities as well as the sisters from Poland who had traveled to attend the establishment of the vice-province were present and united in prayer during the joyous celebration of the Eucharist. Blessedly, a very heavy rain stopped shortly before the late morning Mass, allowing the procession for the opening of the jubilee celebration to proceed.
Most Rev. Paul Kariuki, Bishop of the Diocese of Embu, celebrated the Eucharist. Sisters from Embu and the surrounding areas prepared a festive lunch of Kenyan dishes.
Following lunch, while the Kenyan Felicians sang and danced, Sister Danat received the traditional symbols of authority, power, and service as Mother and Superior of the Felician Congregation.
Several sisters and Bishop Kariuki then took take part in the traditional cutting of the jubilee cake, a moment of much Franciscan joy and merriment. The jubilarian concluded by sharing reflections and memories of her vocation story with the sisters, especially that it was molded in her family home and by the Felician Sisters in elementary school. Sister Danat gave thanks to God for his call and his faithful care in her life.
To view video of the celebration, click the four links below:
Coraopolis Sisters Help to Fight Hunger
The inauguration of the Vice-Province of Our Lady Mother of Africa took place in Embu, Kenya, on November 21.
Minister general S Danat Marie Brysch and general councilor SM Franciszka Stępniewska held meeting after meeting with the appointed Kenyan leadership team while the rest of the sisters, from the youngest postulant to the eldest sister, worked day and night preparing rooms for visitors, cleaning, cooking, decorating, arranging programs, gifts, and bookletscontinue reading