Laudato Si’ Action Platform Commitment Statement
The Felician Sisters of North America, inspired by our Franciscan heritage to be in right relationship with all of creation and impelled by the spirit of our foundress, Blessed Mary Angela, commit to the seven-year journey of the Laudato Si’ Action Platform (LSAP). Mindful of the fragility of Mother Earth and of the suffering of God’s people, especially the poor and marginalized impacted most by the environment, we will:
Identify the critical social and environmental needs of our time and their systemic causes.
Embrace our call to profound interior conversion as we take bold, tangible steps to renew our relationships with God, one another, and the created world.
Educate ourselves about the causes and effects of climate change and do our part to help alleviate these problems.
Address our choices and model behaviors that demonstrate our commitment to decrease our carbon footprint, the destruction of our planet and implement changes to better care for our Sister, Mother Earth.
Support and hold each other accountable for making changes to care for our Earth.
Stand in solidarity with our Felician Associates, employees, and ministries, and assist them in the work of listening to the cry of the poor and the cry of the Earth.
Work in partnership with other groups who have committed to the seven-year journey of the Laudato Si’ Action Platform.
The Felician Sisters Statement on The Crisis in Ukraine
In the spirit of solidarity, compassion, and non-violence, the Felician Sisters of North America denounce the loss of life and destruction of property in Ukraine. We stand with the people of Ukraine and all those who have come to their aid in their struggle for freedom and independence. We affirm all efforts on the part of international diplomacy to bring this unprovoked war to an end.
We urge our own government leaders to set aside partisan differences and come together in a coordinated effort to achieve a cease fire. May diplomatic efforts convince Russia to end its violent and unprovoked attack on Ukraine.
We encourage those who wish to provide financial assistance to Ukraine, to send their contributions to Catholic Relief Services. Efforts are also underway to support our sisters in Poland and Ukraine who work daily with Ukrainian refugees.
We invite all people of good will to stand with us to support Ukraine and a just and peaceful resolution of the present conflict. May our prayers storm heaven and our good works promote a world where every person and every nation work together for the common good of all.
Human Right to Water
The Felician Sisters of North America affirm that access to clean water is a fundamental human right and a necessity for all of God’s created world. We will educate ourselves on issues of water use and supply and add our voice to those who are acting against water injustice and advocating with corporations and governments to ensure future water availability.
Human Trafficking
The Felician Sisters of North America affirm the dignity of all persons and denounce the sin of human trafficking and the structural, economic and social systems that support it. We will continually examine our complicity as consumers and support slave free companies and products as much as possible, support policies and programs to help abolish and prevent trafficking, and use our ministerial resources to aid survivors where possible.
Corporate Stances on Nuclear-disarmament
Felician Sisters of North America
Nuclear Non-Proliferation
As women who follow the tradition of nonviolence handed down to us by Jesus Christ and St. Francis of Assisi, we call for the elimination of the nuclear weapons industry throughout the world and the reallocation of the resources, currently spent to maintain the nuclear arsenal, to educate children and to provide services for the poor.
We call upon our government leaders to abolish all nuclear weapons and weapons of mass destruction. We call for the banning of all nuclear testing, the signing and implementation of the Non-Proliferation treaty, and the dismantling of all nuclear weapons.
As peacemakers, we promote non-violent ways of resolving conflicts and call upon our leaders to realize their responsibility to their constituents, to protect creation, and to keep the world habitable for future generations.
Statement on Racial Injustice
The following statement was approved by the Leadership Team of the Felician Sisters of North America:
In the spirit of the nonviolent Jesus and the example of peacemaking handed down to us from Saints Francis and Clare of Assisi, the Leadership Team of the Felician Sisters of North America decries and mourns the murder of George Floyd and all our brothers and sisters who have lost their lives due to the violence of those sworn to protect all citizens.
We condemn the constant mistreatment of human beings based on the color of their skin while acknowledging our own individual complicity in the sin of racism. We believe that all human beings are made in the image and likeness of God yet acknowledge that racism privileges some at the expense of others.
We recognize that in the words of Martin Luther King, Jr. “to create a beloved community…will require a qualitative change in our souls. as well as a quantitative change in our lives.”
As Franciscans committed to continuous conversion, we ask God’s help to do all we can to bring justice, reconciliation and peace to our neighborhoods and to our nation.